Suhib Hammad, EIT – Design Engineer
We are excited to share with you a new member of Team DEI, Suhib Hammad. He has been working at DEI for about 6 months, after graduating from Gonzaga University with a B.S. in civil engineering. Currently he is working on single-family residential projects (such as house remodels), a few multi-family building remodels, conduit support designs, and structural retrofits to commercial buildings.
Although it is early his career, he has enjoyed working on single-family and multi-family building remodels. He shares, “Each allows you to explore the unique vision the owners may have, and I enjoy that each project is unique and could require a different solution.”
His favorite thing about being a structural engineer is being able to help design structures that people go through every day with little concern:
“Buildings such as homes or apartments are important in providing shelter and a feeling of safety for almost everyone in this world. People are often unconcerned that the structure could fail, so contributing to reducing worries of people around the world is another joy of mine as a structural engineer.”
Born in Amman, Jordan, Suhib moved to and grew up in Bellevue, WA when he 1.5 years old. If he was not a structural engineer, he would love to be a singer, “…if I could sing!” His favorite sports teams are the Gonzaga University basketball team (hoping they win the national title soon), Chelsea FC (an English premier league soccer team), and the Seattle Seahawks. If he could have any superpower, it would be to control time, so he could “time travel to witness some history, but also, I could slow down or speed up time as I please.”