It’s the first #ThrowbackThursday of the year, and we’re taking a look back at the restoration of Ford Bellevue! After a devastating fire burned down the facility on April 24, 2015, DEI was on site helping with emergency shoring and ultimately engineered a new auto dealership that opened in 2017-2018.
DEI’s design included a new roof and mezzanine inside the existing single-story concrete tilt-up warehouse building, to replace the existing framing that was damaged in the fire. The new framing followed the original framing layout in order to utilize the existing foundation and perimeter wall elements. The new roof construction is a panelized system with glue-laminated beams supported on steel posts. The mezzanine was framed with pre-manufactured I-joists in combination with engineered lumber for beams and headers. The existing concrete tilt-up walls remained in place and were used as the primary lateral system for the building. We also engineered an addition which is a new single-story showroom building, the structure is steel framed with a metal deck roof. The global lateral restraint is provided by a combination of shearwalls and moment frames along the exterior of the new showroom.
The pictures of the destruction after the fire in 2015
Owner – AutoNation / Ford of Bellevue
Architect – Lance Mueller & Associates, Architects
Engineer – Dibble
Contractor – Foushee